Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Life Drawing

This is a current work in progress, A1 scale 6 hour life drawing with colour. This is half way through.

Monday, 24 January 2011

This is the final piece for the body adornment piece in 2010. It was made with aluminium cans, bashed, burned and fixed into horn inspired shapes.
This is another piece of work from summer 2010, this is the development of the body adornment I made, with a lot of inspiration from insects.
These are the final illustrations drawn on the walls of the installation.
This is another part of my option brief, it is the development of the illustrations created from the installation. The left three are drawings from observation and the rest are from photographs taken from obscure angles.
This is an installation I made in response to the option brief that was set. I chose to respond to the word Abandonment and built this representation of an abandoned house.
This is the first brief we were set on the course and it involved a trip to Manchester and the Science and Industry Museum. The smaller pictures are drawings from observation from the museum, the bigger one is also drawing from observation. This was from the group installation which was inspired by Manchester.